Writing What You Know

I believe that writing about something you’re familiar with is equally hard as it is easy. When I want to write about something I am very familiar with, it can sometimes be easier for me because I can probably reference things about it that others can’t or wouldn’t have thought of. For example, for writing exercise 7, we had to write about something we are informed about so I wrote about my body which I obviously have the most knowledge about and experience with than anyone else could. But at the same time, writing about something I’m so familiar with makes me uncomfortable. I feel like I’m trying to capture something that will never be accurately described. At least with something I’m not as familiar with, I know that I won’t get it all completely right so I give myself more freedom. But with topics I’m more familiar with and informed on, I feel more pressure to be very accurate about every thing I say.

One Reply to “Writing What You Know”

  1. I think it’s because there is so much physical and emotional context wrapped up in our bodies. I can’t speak to your experience, but I’ve seen my body grow in ways that sometimes feel out of my own control, I’ve wrestled with what my ideal body looks like and what my actual body looks like, and I’ve debated whether I feel comfortable with other people’s opinions about my body. It’s brave of you to write about your body, and I give you so many knocks for that.
    We could add disclaimers to whatever we say, and it eventually wouldn’t stop. Information in this day and age feels contested, and I still hate the fact that “fake news” is a legitimate term in America. Imposter syndrome is also a pain, and that voice that says, “Are you really an expert in that subject? Are you qualified? Actually, you have no leg to stand on because of this and that” is something that I also struggle with. I have no conclusive answer to this question, but I think knowing that there isn’t a universal “truth” or perfect answer helps a lot. This doesn’t mean throw out any numbers or anecdotal evidence, but it means silencing the voice that says that “Your knowledge is invalid and can’t encompass the truth about your subject.”
    I understand that this is a super long comment, and let me know if anything’s unclear!

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