Keep Moving Forward

I recently made a blog post talking about Lack of Confidence and how I put myself in a position to feel vulnerable by submitting some of my pieces into Gandy Dancer. I was extremely nervous to do something like this because I have never submitted my work anywhere besides for a workshop with my peers.

Unfortunately, the pieces I submitted were not accepted into Gandy Dancer because it was not what they were looking for at the time. After I read the email, I grew self conscious. I set myself up to be in a position to fail. But then I thought to myself, if I don’t push myself out of my comfort zone, how am I supposed to improve? If everything works out in my favor then what am I working for? What do I have to change or improve in my work to make me a better writer?

Although I am disappointed by this, I know its part of my journey as a writer and I will continue to push myself, as should everyone who is reading this.

4 Replies to “Keep Moving Forward”

  1. Bri,

    I appreciate you sharing this with us. I was not accepted into Gandy Dancer either, it certainly is a competitive industry… but you’re right! Just keep moving forward. I can very much relate to this feeling of vulnerability. It is tough, but it’s simply motivation. Good luck next time, KEEP SUBMITTING!!!


  2. Bri,

    Rejection is tough, but sometimes it’s what’s best for us. It pushes us further and acts as a catalyst for improvement. Sometimes, a poem isn’t ready for publication and, honestly, I’m deeply grateful for editors who’ve kept my work from going public prematurely.

    Another thing to remember is the fact that each publication has its own specific tastes. What works in one journal might not work in another. This is one of those cases where one size doesn’t fit all.

    Rejection doesn’t mean your work isn’t meaningful. Rejection doesn’t mean your voice isn’t necessary.

    Keep it up — we’re rooting for you!


  3. Bri~
    I’m sorry about the rejection letter from Gandy Dancer. But think about where else your work could be published! I understand that submitting is vulnerable process, but it is part of the writing process. Publication is something that is out of our hands as writers. But we can control how we change a piece. We can go back and edit it until we think all the kinks are smooth.
    Your questions are absolutely correct, and show that you are a mature writer who understands the process. Best of luck! Keep searching for a home for your poem!

  4. hey Bri!

    I’ve been given the advice to set a rejection goal: my goal is to be rejected 100 times in 2018 (preferably just by journals and not by potential love interests).

    Why? The more you put yourself out there, the thicker skin you get, the more you realize that writing is diving into a pool of “we regret to inform you’s” in order to reach the one shining “congratulations!”

    & if you’re confident in your work, if you know it’s the best it can be, if you know that what you want to share is being articulated, statistically, out of 100 submissions, the odds have gotta be in your favor. If not, you know there’s more work to do.

    I wish you the best of luck and I would encourage you to frame your rejection letters on your bedroom wall and let them remind you that every rejection is a step toward something better.

    keep writing!

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